My pet is lost! What do I do?
First, be sure you can describe your pet. Get age, breed, colouring, gender (neutered or no?), and any identifying features (eg. tattoo or microchip?).
- Notify all the veterinary clinic or pet stores in the area the pet was lost in.
- Feel free to put up posters at the clinic (and we recommend the neighbourhood too!).
- Call the CRD to report the loss to see if the pet has been turned into the pound.
- Share a picture of your pet on Facebook with when and where it was lost.
- Put a Lost post on Used Victoria.com and Victoria Lost and Found, and check the site often for posts of your pet as Found.
- Use the online service 'FLED' Or 'ROAM'; submit a form online through the website fledsearch.wordpress.com.
And once your find your pet, please let us know they have returned safely!
I found an animal without an owner. What do I do?
The CRD is responsible for found dogs, so a found dog can be surrendered to them for care. This is important to do if they are injured or in poor health. Vets are not allowed to treat (except emergency care) an animal that has no owner. They MUST be surrendered to CRD.
Their website is HERE and their phone number is 250.658.5745.
If you are in a position to care for a found, healthy animal for a short while and wish to make attempts to reunite the pet and owner, read on for suggestions.
First, be sure you can describe the animal. A local clinic can probably help in approximating age, breed, colouring, gender (neutered or no?), and any identifying features. Check for tags; a CRD licence or rabies tag is registered to the owner. We highly recommend found animals are brought to a clinic to be scanned for a microchip.
Although we love animals and want them to be cared for, remember that someone is looking for their pet. Our best hope for reuniting them is to get the pet to where the owner is looking for them.
Their website is HERE and their phone number is 250.658.5745.
If you are in a position to care for a found, healthy animal for a short while and wish to make attempts to reunite the pet and owner, read on for suggestions.
First, be sure you can describe the animal. A local clinic can probably help in approximating age, breed, colouring, gender (neutered or no?), and any identifying features. Check for tags; a CRD licence or rabies tag is registered to the owner. We highly recommend found animals are brought to a clinic to be scanned for a microchip.
- Notify all the veterinary clinics in the are where the pet was found. We will be trying to match the reported find with a report or poster of a loss. We can trace some tattoos and can help tracking microchip registration to the owner.
- Share a picture of the pet on Facebook with when and where it was found.
- Check Used Victoria or Victoria Lost and Found websites for a post matching the animal. If you don't find a match, put a Found post up.
- Check the online service 'FLED' or 'ROAM' for any posts that match. Their website is HERE
Although we love animals and want them to be cared for, remember that someone is looking for their pet. Our best hope for reuniting them is to get the pet to where the owner is looking for them.